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Create Network Security AMI instances

To manually create a Network Security AMI instance to inspect network traffic, complete each of the following tasks in order.


Follow these steps if you are manually deploying Option 1: Edge protection deployment.

1. Create security groups

Network Security requires a minimum of two security groups. These security groups are used when you create the ENIs. Learn more about security groups.

From the EC2 Dashboard, scroll down to Security Groups, and click Create security group.

Management security group

Use this security group for the Network Security management port.

  • Security Group Name: Enter Management security group.
  • Description: Enter Allows you to access Network Security from the CLI and the Network Security management interface.
  • VPC: Select the Inspection VPC.

Select the management group, scroll down to the Inbound Rules and Outbound Rules tabs, and click Edit Rules to add these required rules.

Inbound rules

Type Protocol Port range Source Description
SSH TCP 22 <IP or CIDR addresses that need access to the management port for the Network Security instance> Allows you to SSH into Network Security and manage the instance with the CLI

Outbound rules


We recommend that you keep the outbound rules for this group open to all traffic on all ports to all destinations.

Type Protocol Port range Source Description
All traffic All All Allows all traffic on all ports to all destinations

Traffic security group

Use this security group for the Network Security data ports. AWS considers all traffic that passes through the data port to be inbound traffic, so you must allow inbound traffic rules from the internet, even if you are only inspecting connections originating inside your network.

The inbound and outbound rules listed below are the minimum required rules for the security group. Add any additional rules necessary for your network environment, but make sure the inbound and outbound rules are the same for this security group.

  • Security Group Name: Enter Traffic security group.
  • Description: Enter Allows all inbound traffic from the internet.
  • VPC: Select the Inspection VPC.


We recommend that you keep this security group as open as possible and that you restrict traffic using security groups attached to your Workload EC2 instances.

Inbound rules

Type Protocol Port range Source Description
All traffic All All Allows all traffic that originates inside or outside of your network

Outbound rules

Type Protocol Port range Source Description
All traffic All All Allows all traffic that originates inside or outside of your network

2. Create an IAM policy and role

Create an IAM policy then attach it to an IAM role. This IAM policy and role allows the Network Security instance to send metrics to CloudWatch. Learn more about creating IAM roles.

Create policy

  1. Navigate to the IAM Dashboard.

  2. Click Policies, and then click Create policy.

  3. Click on the JSON tab, then copy and paste the following permissions.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Action": [
    "Resource": "arn:aws:logs:*:*:*",
    "Effect": "Allow"
    "Action": "cloudwatch:PutMetricData",
    "Resource": "*",
    "Effect": "Allow"

  4. Click Review Policy, and enter the following parameters before clicking Create policy.

    • Name: CloudWatch_logs_policy
    • Description: Allows CloudWatch to track metric data

Create a role and attach a policy

After you create the policy, create a role and attach the CloudWatch logs policy to that role.

  1. Above Policies, click Roles, and then click Create role.
  2. Select AWS service, then choose EC2 for the service that will use this role.
  3. Click Next: Permissions, and then select the CloudWatch_logs_policy that you just created.
  4. Optionally, add any tags, and then click Next: Review.
  5. For role name, enter CloudWatch_logs, and then click Create role.

3. Modify the S3 VPC endpoint policy

This section only applies to users that plan to deploy a Network Security instance into the same VPC that uses an S3 VPC Endpoint. The policy for the endpoint must be modified to allow the Network Security virtual appliance to access files in the S3 bucket.

  1. Navigate to the VPC Dashboard and click Endpoints.

  2. Select the VPC endpoint where you plan to launch the Network Security instance.

  3. Select the Policy tab below the list of endpoints.

  4. Click Edit Policy, and add the following text to your existing policy statement.

    "Statement": [
       "Sid": "NetworkSecurityPolicy",
       "Effect": "Allow",
       "Principal": "*",
       "Action": [
       "Resource": [

  5. Click Save.

4. Create Network Security instances

Create at least one Network Security instance in each AZ where you have Workload VPCs.

  1. Navigate to the Network Security AMIs. Alternatively, follow these steps to search for the Network Security AMIs manually.

    1. Navigate to the EC2 Dashboard.
    2. Under Images, select AMIs.
    3. In the drop down menu under Launch, select Public images.
    4. In the search bar at the top of the page, type Owner : 511311637224.
  2. From the list that appears, select the latest AMI version.


    The latest version is the AMI with the highest number. For instance, IPS_AMI--2020.10.0.10702 is more recent then IPS_AMI--2020.10.0.10605.

  3. After you select the correct AMI, click Launch.

  4. Select an instance type. Trend Micro recommends using a c5.xlarge instance type. The c5.xlarge instance can inspect traffic at a sustained rate of 1Gbps, which supports most inspection needs.

    Select a bigger instance size for greater inspection needs. Testing indicates that instance rates scale linearly with the size of the instance. The c5n instances have sustained rates that are four times greater than regular c5 instances of the same size. For example, if the c5.xlarge instance can inspect 1Gbps of traffic, then the c5n.xlarge can inspect 4Gbps.

  5. Configure the following information on the Configure Instance Details page.

    If not specified, keep the default settings.

    • Network: Select the Inspection VPC.

    • Subnet: Select the management subnet.

    • Auto-assign Public IP: Select Disable.

    • IAM role: Select the IAM role that you created in Create an IAM role.

    • Shutdown behavior: Select Stop.

    • Network interfaces: Leave eth0, which is created automatically by AWS, as the only network interface.

    • Advanced details user data: Copy and paste the following text.

    log-group-name < Name your CloudWatch Log Group Here >

  6. On the Add Storage page, select 24GiB for the size and General Purpose SSD for the volume type.

  7. On the Configure Security Group page, click Select an existing security group, and select the management security group that you created.

  8. Review the information you entered, and select Launch to create the instance.

  9. After you launch the instance, choose or create an SSH key.

5. Create Elastic Network Interfaces

The management port, which connects to SSH or HTTPS, is created automatically in AWS as eth0. Network Security uses two additional ports, 1A and 1B, for each instance. To add these ports, create two new ENIs and then attach them to the Network Security instance. Learn more about elastic network interfaces.

  1. From the EC2 Dashboard, click Network Interfaces (under Network & Security).

  2. Click Create Network Interface to create the 1A port, eth1.

    Enter the following parameters.

    • Description: eth1

    • Subnet: Select the Inspection subnet.

    • IPv4 Private IP: Keep setting as Auto-assign.


      Note the IPv4 IP that is automatically assigned to the port as you will need this later in the deployment process.

    • Security groups: Select the Traffic security group.

  3. Next, click Create Network Interface again to create the 1B port, eth2.

    Enter the following parameters.

    • Description: eth2

    • Subnet: Select the Protected-public subnet.

    • IPv4 Private IP: Leave set to Auto-assign.


      Note the IPv4 IP that is automatically assigned to the port as you will need this later in the deployment process.

    • Security groups: Select the Traffic security group.

  4. Stop any Network Security instances you created before you attach the ENIs.

  5. From the EC2 Dashboard, navigate to Instances, and select the Network Security instance you created in Create Network Security instances.

  6. Click ActionsNetworkingAttach Network Interface, and attach the 1A port ENI, eth1, to the Network Security instance.

  7. Repeat the previous step to also attach the 1B port ENI, eth2, to the Network Security instance.

  8. After the ENIs are attached, restart the Network Security instance.

  9. Navigate back to the Network Interfaces page.

  10. Right click on eth1, click Change Source/Dest. Check, and select Disable.

  11. Repeat the step above to disable the Source/Destination Check for eth2 as well. Learn more about source and destination checks.

6. Configure additional Network Security settings

Complete the remaining configuration requirements. These configuration settings create the virtual segments, register the instance with the Network Security management interface, and create a CloudWatch metric that is used if you set up high availability.

The following information is required to complete this task.

Component Description
1A port IP address The IPv4 private IP address that was auto generated for 1A, eth1.
Inspection subnet CIDR prefix length The decimal number after the slash for the inspection subnet CIDR block.
1B port IP address The IPv4 private IP address that was auto generated for 1B, eth2.
Sanitized subnet CIDR prefix length The decimal number after the slash for the sanitized subnet CIDR block.
Trend Micro Cloud One appliance deployment token The Trend Micro Cloud One appliance deployment token for the Network Security management interface.
VPC CIDR The VPC CIDR block number.
  1. SSH into the instance.

  2. Run the following commands.

    virtual-segment "cloud formation"  
    delete route all  
    route <Gateway IP Address of Inspection Subnet>  
    route <VPC CIDR> <Gateway IP Address of Protected-Public Subnet>  
    cloudwatch-health period 1  
    save-config -y  
    cloudone register <deployment-token>

7. Route traffic for inspection

After you have completed set up of the Network Security instances, route the network traffic so that it passes through the instances for inspection. Use the appropriate route tables, depending on your deployment option.

Modify the route tables that you already created to match the route tables below for each AZ in your VPC. This routes the traffic through Network Security for inspection.

VPC access route table

Destination Target
<VPC CIDR> Local
<protected-public subnet CIDR> eni-1A

Protected-public route table

Destination Target
<VPC CIDR> Local eni-1B

Protected-private route table

Destination Target
<VPC CIDR> Local NAT Gateway

Management route table

Destination Target
<VPC CIDR> Local NAT Gateway

Detailed image

The image below is a detailed view of what your network environment should look like after you insert the Network Security instances.