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Create a support ticket

When creating your support ticket, be descriptive and provide as much information as possible:

  • Write a clear subject line.
  • Select the type of request from the given options.
  • Write a detailed description, including information copied from your log file.
  • Attach screenshots or related files to help our customer success team identify your problem quickly.
  • If possible send a copy of the log file by attaching it to the confirmation email and sending it back to support.
    • If the problem occurs in deploying, please follow the steps in Access log events
    • If the problem occurs in scanning, please follow the steps in Access logs

If you need to create a support ticket:

  1. Make a copy of the relevant information from the log file:

    • Copy to your clipboard.
    • Create a text file.
  2. Log into your Cloud One account, and navigate to Support.

  3. Enter your information in the Name, Email, and Country fields.

  4. Select the following for the next three fields:

    • Type of case: Technical support
    • Service: File Storage Security
    • Severity: General guidance
  5. Paste the log event information that you previously copied to your clipboard in the steps above, into the Describe the problem field.

  6. Click Submit.

If you copied the events log to a .txt file, you can share this file with Trend Micro by attaching it to the support ticket confirmation email you receive after successfully submitting a support ticket.

Access log events

  1. Open AWS CloudShell by clicking on the square terminal icon at the top right of the AWS console (next to your account name). If AWS CloudShell is not available for your region, switch to a CloudShell supported region (for example us-west-2) and proceed to fetch log events for the failed stack. You also have the option to use your own terminal.
  2. Run the following command:
    aws cloudformation describe-stack-events --region "" --stack-name \ "" > stackEvents.txt
  3. Under the Actions drop-down, click Download file. In the Download File pop-up window, enter the file path
    to complete download.
  4. Copy the contents of the stackEvents.txt file to your clipboard.
Use Azure CLI To obtain the stack deployment status and input and output parameters for troubleshooting:
  1. Log into Azure CLI, either by:
    • Run login command:
      az login
    • Open a browser page at and enter the authorization code displayed in your terminal.
  2. Sign in with your account credentials.
  3. Run the appropriate command:
    • All-in-one stack:
      az deployment sub show -n {AllInOne-DeploymentName} > AllInOne-StackDeployment.json
    • Scanner stack:
      az deployment group show -g {ScannerStack-ResourceGroupName} -n scannerStack > ScannerStack-StackDeployment.json
    • Storage stack:
      az deployment group show -g {StorageStack-ResourceGroupName} -n storageStack > StorageStack-StackDeployment.json
  4. Copy the results from the output JSON files to your clipboard.
Use GCP CLI To obtain the stack deployment status and input and output parameters for troubleshooting:
  1. Log into your GCP account.
  2. Open the Cloud Shell.
  3. Switch to the project in which the stacks were deployed:
    gcloud config set project
  4. Run the appropriate command:
    • Scanner stack:
      gcloud deployment-manager deployments describe --format=json

      gcloud deployment-manager manifests describe --deployment=ScannerStack-DeploymentName> --format=json
    • Storage stack:
      gcloud deployment-manager deployments describe --format=json

      gcloud deployment-manager manifests describe --deployment= --format=json
  5. Copy the results from the output JSON strings to your clipboard.

Access logs

  1. Go to CloudFormation > Stacks > your scanner stack or storage stack > Resources tab.
  2. Search for the LogGroup of the target Lambda function. For example, ScannerLogGroup is for the scanner Lambda function. Click the link to navigate to the CloudWatch console
  3. Find the target log stream that contains the logs as the issue happened. Click it.
  4. Under the Actions drop-down, click Download search results (CSV). In the Download File pop-up window, enter the file path to complete download.
  1. Go to Resource groups > your scanner stack or storage stack resource group > Search for the Function App of the target Azure Functions.
  2. Click the target Azure Function name, for example, click ScannerQueueTrigger for scanner Azure Function.
  3. Navigate to the Monitor page. In the Invocations tab, click the invocation trace as the issue happened.
  4. In the Invocation Details page, click Run query in Application Insights
  5. Under the Export drop-down, click CSV (all columns). In the Download File pop-up window, enter the file path to complete download.
  1. Go to Cloud Functions > your scanner function > LOGS tab.
  2. Click View in Logs Explorer button and navigate to Logs Explorer
  3. Configure the start time and end time to filter the logs as the issue happened.
  4. Click Download and select CSV format in the pop-up dialog. Then click Download to complete the download.