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Subscribe with an annual subscription

For details on the billing methods and pricing, see About billing and pricing.

To sign up for an annual subscription, contact and a Trend Micro representative will connect you to someone in your region who can help you with your purchase. You will receive either an activation code or a link to the Trend Micro Activation Service.

This article provides instructions on how to:

Subscribe with the Trend Micro Activation Service

  1. If you have not already signed up for Trend Cloud One, create and verify your user email at

  2. Subscribe for an annual subscription, as described above. When your order is complete, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to activate and link your purchase to Trend Cloud One.

  3. Click the link in the confirmation email. You are taken to the Trend Micro Activation Service.

  4. The next step depends on which products you have ordered:

    • If your order includes only Trend Cloud One products and does not include Trend Cloud One - Endpoint & Workload Security, you will be taken directly to the confirmation page in the Trend Micro Activation Service. Read the Trend Micro Agreement (terms of service), Global Privacy Notice, and Data Collection Notice. If you accept the terms, select the checkbox and click Activate in Cloud One, then go to step 8 to continue.

      Trend Micro Activation Service page with purchased items

    • If your Trend Micro order includes other Trend Micro products or includes Workload Security, you are prompted to sign in to your Trend Micro account first. If you already have an account for the Trend Micro Customer Licensing Portal (CLP), use your existing credentials to sign in. Otherwise, select Create a Trend Micro Account and create a new account first.

      Trend Micro Activation Service page with Sign In

  5. After signing in, you will activate your other Trend Micro products first, including the Trend Micro Vision One (XDR) component (if applicable) of your Workload Security purchase. In the Trend Micro Solutions box, select Activate Now.

    Trend Micro Activation Service with Trend Micro Solutions ready to activate

  6. Confirm your order details and read the Trend Micro Agreement (terms of service), Global Privacy Notice, and Data Collection Notice. If you accept the terms, select the checkbox and click Continue to activate your purchase.

    Trend Micro Activation Service with terms and agreements displayed

  7. On the next screen, click Activate Now to activate your Trend Cloud One purchase.

    Trend Micro Activation Service with Trend Micro Cloud One ready to activate

  8. Read the Trend Micro Agreement (terms of service), Global Privacy Notice, and Data Collection Notice. If you accept the terms, select the checkbox and click Activate in Cloud One.

    Trend Micro Activation Service with terms and agreements displayed

  9. You are taken to the Trend Cloud One console to link your subscription:

    • If you are the administrator of your Trend Cloud One account, use your credentials to sign in.
    • If you are not the administrator, copy the link from the banner and send it to the account administrator so they can sign in and complete the linking process.

    Trend Micro Cloud One Sign In page

  10. Once logged in, confirm your subscription.

    Confirmation dialog box

    If you manage subscriptions for multiple Trend Cloud One accounts, you are prompted to select the account to link to your Trend Micro subscription:

    Confirmation dialog box with account selection drop-down list

If you go to the Subscription Management page in the Trend Cloud One console, it now shows Trend Micro Annual Subscription as the subscription type.

Add an activation code for Trend Cloud One - Endpoint & Workload Security

If you have received an activation code for Trend Cloud One - Endpoint & Workload Security instead of a link to the Trend Micro Activation Service, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your Trend Cloud One account.

  2. Go to the Workload Security console.

    If your Workload Security trial has expired and you see the following page, select Enter an Activation Code, which takes into the console to add your code:
    Workload Security dialog box with the Enter an Activation Code button

  3. In the console, select Workload Security Account Details.

    Workload Security Account Details

    In legacy Trend Cloud One accounts, select your Account Name, then Account Details from the list.

  4. Select Update License, enter your Activation Code, then select OK.

Switching subscription type

The procedure for switching your subscription type (for example, from annual billing to AWS Marketplace) is explained in About billing and pricing.